The crime committed in Turkey is subject to Turkish Law. Whether the action of crime has constituted in Turkey partially or not, the thing is the consequence of the crime must be obtained in Turkey. Therefore, the offense is assumed to have been committed in Turkey (according to Turkish Penal Code (“TPC”) article 8).

If the offense has committed in the Turkish territory, or airspace and Turkish territorial waters, it means the crime is assumed to have been in Turkey (according to TPC article 8).

If the offense is committed,

  • in open seas and the space extending above these waters, and in/by the Turkish vessels and airplanes,
  • in/by Turkish war ships and aircrafts,
  • in the stationary platforms exclusively constructed in the territorial boundaries of Turkey or in industrial zones,

then this offense is assumed to have been committed in Turkey (according to TPC article 8).

Furthermore, even if a person who is convicted in a foreign country because of an offense committed in Turkey, he/she is subject to retrial in Turkey (according to TPC article 9).  

Beside all these, as stated in article 10 of TPC, a new trail can be filed in Turkey for a person who commits an offense in a foreign country while performing an official duty in the name of  Turkey even if he is convicted in a foreign country due to execution of such act.

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